igottadrive.com welcomes guest bloggers to submit articles for inclusion in our driving blog. We provide pertinent, useful, interesting, and sometimes humorous articles for the driving community at large. Below are a set of guidelines that will help ensure your aritcle gets published on the igottadrive blog.
- Must be an original work, the material has not previously been published, and you have the copyright for the material (including the picture).
- Must have a purpose that is unique within our blog. A search in our blog can be performed which can show previous articles that have been published.
- Should be between 300 – 500 words in length.
- Must have one picture with a subtitle submitted along with the article.
- Must have proper english, which includes proper spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization and sentence structure.
- Must not contain profanity or pornographic material.
- Must not contain self-serving or promotional content in the article title, body, or summary.
- May contain up to two outgoing links in the author bio at the bottom of the article.
- May contain the author’s name in the author bio at the bottom of the article.
Please send all requests for writing a guest article to blog@igottadrive.com.